Sunday, September 26, 2010


As you may know, I recently auditioned for the Jazz Band. Mr. J, our director, was to chose 2 alto saxes for the ensemble. I was one of the 3 who auditioned. While I do not like to boast, I would say that I was one of the better amongst the three of us; however, I have yet to acquire any jazz experience - an area in which the other 2 have excelled in since the beginning of their musical careers. With this thought in mind, I knew that I would have to work extremely hard to beat them. We received our music one week before the audition. I practiced the etude for 2 hours almost every day. On days when I was unable to practice at home, I practiced during school. I was obsessed with making it into the ensemble. Without it, I would have no music this year and that's not acceptable. I can't live without music. At. All. So, the day came for me to audition. I was ready; I knew I was. In spite of my obvious preparation, I was still extremely nervous. My director had heard me play the etude countless of times through the hallways of the music building. He knew I could play it almost to perfection. When I walked into the audition, it was obvious that I was nervous especially when I messed up the etude in places that I had never messed up before. However, having heard me successfully play it, he asked me to play those parts again to confirm what he had originally heard. After the audition, I walked out mad at myself for messing something up because I was nervous. I should have been more confident. I was pretty convinced that I would not make it into the band. Two days later the results are in....I made 2nd alto! I was soo happy!!!!!!!!! This is going to be extremely fun, and I can't wait! I'm kind of nervous though because I've never done it before so it's a completely new environment for me. But, I'll make the best of it :) Our first practice is tomorrow! I can't wait!!!! ♥♥♥

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